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Promoting Global Education


The J-1 Teacher Exchange Program (Bridge USA Teacher Program) is under the US Department of State. The program supports passionate, highly qualified international teachers to work with accredited U.S. primary and secondary schools to promote diversity, inclusion, and cultural understanding among teachers, students, and the community.

The program’s purpose is to promote collaboration and increase mutual understanding between U.S. and international teachers. Participants are placed as full-time teachers in an accredited K-12 school for 3 years which may be extended up to 5 years. Teachers hone their professional skills and participate or lead in multicultural activities in the school and the local community.

Host School Eligibility

A host school is any ACCREDITED public, charter, or private school committed to supporting international education and cultural exchange. Host schools must be willing to offer teachers full-time teaching positions; and, a salary and benefits package equal to that of their American counterparts. As part of the exchange program, host schools are required to involve teachers in school and community cultural activities and monitor the teacher’s performance in the classroom and in carrying out official responsibilities.

Host School Involvement in the Process

Once a host school is interested to hire an exchange teacher, the next steps include:
1. Offering the selected exchange teacher a job offer letter or intent to hire letter outlining the salary and benefits package. 
2. Working with Mialakai Group and the visa sponsor in the verification of school accreditation and documentation needed for visa processing. 
3. Providing documents for teacher certification requirements, as needed.
4. Assistance in getting information on school location, housing, and transportation in the area.
5. Providing new teacher orientation to go over school policies and expectations prior to the start of work.
6. Monitoring teacher performance in the classroom and other official responsibilities.
7. Providing avenues for cultural exchange in the school and/or in the community.

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