Be a Global Educator with the Bridge USA
Teacher Exchange Program

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Teacher Exchange Program Description

The US Teacher Exchange program is open to all non-US professional teachers who want to be cultural ambassadors of their home country or country of legal residence and teach in an accredited primary or secondary school in the United States. Exchange teachers sharpen their professional skills and participate in cross-cultural activities in schools and communities, and they return to their home school after the exchange to share their experiences and knowledge of the United States and the U.S. educational system.

Learn more at the Bridge USA website.

States we have our teachers in

Minimum Qualifications

1. English language proficiency (Take a free English proficiency test at
2. Bachelor’s degree in education or subject field you teach (Master/Doctorate a plus)
3. Current and valid teaching license in your home country or country of legal residence.
4. Currently working as a teacher in your home country or country of legal residence.
5. Have a minimum of five (5) years of teaching experience in the K-12 setting.
6. Be of good reputation and character.
7. Have a valid passport.

Learn more about Our Mentoring Process

Here are the requirements

To start the application process, prepare the following documents in the specified file formats, and once ready, fill out this form and upload your documents: Application Form 

Also, the filename of each document should follow the convention: Lastname.Firstname_DocumentType
For example:

1. Comprehensive resume in PDF
2. Foreign credential evaluation in PDF
3. Teaching license in PDF
4. Passport (biodate page only) in PDF
5. English proficiency test result (from the website) in PDF

No foreign credential evaluation yet?

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